The international day of older people.

The General Department of Taxation and the Large Taxpayer Office received the tax retirees on the international day of older people. Commissioner Mr. Zayabal Batjargal introduced the tax law reform, and upcoming consequential reforms during the day. He invited the retirees to work at the call centre on contract, and provide consultancies in preparing guidance and methodologies. Mr. Bavuusuren, on behalf of the retirees, expressed their willingness to offer their assistance. “We are glad that elderly people’s health care in the General Department of Taxation is always excellent”, he said. This year, the General Department of Taxation and the Tax Retiree Committee have fully equipped a room in National Third Hospital, which facilitated broader opportunities for the tax retirees to receive immediate medical care. The retirees also spend one day of a week at a social gathering, playing chess and tennis, and doing yoga.
